Fishing and Paddling Around Central Florida Report and Photo Essay

Fishing and Paddling Around Central Florida Report and Photo Essay

Fortunately, I got out paddling and walking this week. The weather, so unpredictable last week, was splendid every day. And it’s officially tarpon season, not that I’ll be going. No boat 🙁

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Monday and Tuesday I went paddle fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. I could be verbose, but will let the photos do the work. The water was clean and the seagrass was thick!!!

Swarms of minnows, clean water, and seagrass. Have we turned a corner?


There were snook in places like this.


Aggressive little snapper. I got two.


The dark patches are seagrass.




A manatee vertebra?


One of several.


One of many.

Wednesday afternoon saw me walking at Orlando Wetlands Park, camera in hand-

Great blue heron.


Roseate spoonbills.


Alligator mississippiensis.


Alligator mississippiensis.

Friday Jorge Hidalgo accompanied me down the Econlockhatchee-

The vessel.


Hooked up.


The fish.


The release.

Saturday found me paddling the Juniper Springs Run with a group from the Central Florida Freethought Community






It was a very cool week! That’s the Fishing and Paddling Around Central Florida report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Stormy Monday (and Tuesday, and Wednesday, etc)

Stormy Monday (and Tuesday, and Wednesday, etc)

Wow, have we had some weather this week. Talk about stormy Monday!

Because of the weather, I did not fish much. But Wednesday saw me driving to Melbourne, canoe on the roof, to visit Rodney. Rodney loved the canoe, as much of it as he could see, and then we hung out a while for a chat. During the chat, a storm passed.

I didn’t realize what a close call I had.

When I left to go home, I got on 192 west. Traffic was awful. There were downed limbs and leaves all over the ground. The traffic lights were out. As all the vehicles crawled towards I-95, the ground started steaming. There was all this white stuff. What the heck is that?

It was hailstones, piled almost a foot thick in places. It was only a couple miles from where I’d parked. Realizing I’d dodged a bullet, I hoped all the storms were past.

They weren’t. One hit while I was on Taylor Creek Road, complete with hail. I was concerned for the canoe, but it was fine.

Red-breasted sunfish.

I know because I used it Thursday on the Econ. A bald eagle flew over, several times. Red-cockaded woodpeckers were seen and heard. The egrets, both great and snowy, were in their breeding plumage.

Spotted sunfish, a.k.a stumpknocker. A very aggressive creature.

The bass were biting, both worms (spin rod) and gurglers. I got two spotted gar on gurglers. Also fooled were spotted and red-breasted sunfish. My best fish was about five pounds, altogether an awesome morning. And, I broke off a bigger one trying to keep it out of the lumber! I made a conscious decision to not bring a camera, so all pictures are from the file.

You can see this photo in the current Florida Sportsman issue.

The surprising thing is that the river is still low. If the rain keeps up, that won’t last.

There are some amazingly large alligators living in that river.

It’s supposed to rain today and tomorrow.

And that’s the Stormy Monday report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

The Canoe is Finished

The Canoe is Finished

The canoe is finished. Except for minor tweaks. And I took it out and caught some fish from it!

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The weather at the beginning of the week didn’t make anyone want to go fishing. I went to Publix and got a copy of this year’s “Kayak Fishing Fun.” There was an article in there by John Kumiski about a dog who goes fishing. Cute.

The boat before coating with polyurethane.

I worked on the canoe, enough that I could water-test it and then go fishing. That was after I spent a couple hours casting flies at my local retention pond, catching several big bluegills and small bass.

The water test.

I water-tested the canoe in the same place, with both single-blade and double-blade paddles. It’s tippier than my kayaks, but oh, so much easier to carry when it’s out of the water! It paddles very nicely, and is faster than the kayaks, too. And it looks fantastic.

I took it out on the Econ Thursday afternoon. I had a bass within five minutes. Several bass (no big ones) and stumpknockers were fooled by my bugs. The new canoe performed well- I think I’ll keep it!

The first fish from the new boat! You can see the frame reflected in my sunglasses.

I’ll be using it some more over the next few days.

Friday Dean Altenhofen came by. We spent the afternoon in kayaks on the Indian River Lagoon, where this snook met up with a black-and-purple streamer:

A man and his snook.

Dean had never caught a largemouth bass before (they are not common nor desirable in Oregon, apparently) so we paddled (and dragged) the Econ on Saturday. It was not a hot bite.

The new boat, ready for its first real test.

We saw fish the whole way but had a heck of a time getting any bites. Dean, however did get the bass.

Hooked up.


Not huge, but respectable.

As I type this, Dean is winging his way home. Bon voyage, Dean, and thanks for coming!

The canoe got stuck on submerged stumps, and had other misadventures. If you examined it now, you would never know it. To say I’m pleased with the way it came out would be a massive understatement.

And that’s the canoe is finished report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Upper Econ Paddle- A Photo Essay

Upper Econ Paddle- A Photo Essay

On October 10, 2015 Mike Conneen, Tammy Wilson, and I took an eight hour paddle excursion on the upper Econlockhatchee River. The Snow Hill gauge read 5.5 feet. Paddling would have been easier with more water. We were tired and dirty at the end, but we had a blast.

Upper Econ Paddle

The boats patiently wait for us at Hidden River RV Park.


Upper Econ Paddle

Tammy does some fishing at the put-in. It was all the fishing she did.


Upper Econ Paddle

Tammy shows off her Barbie tackle box.


Upper Econ Paddle

The crew gets going.


Upper Econ Paddle

A contemplative moment, one of the few we’d enjoy.


Upper Econ Paddle

A sequence- Tammy tries to jump the log. Ramming speed!


Upper Econ Paddle

Not quite over.


Upper Econ Paddle

Stupid boat! Jump that log!


Upper Econ Paddle

Yes, it is both silly and ridiculous.


Upper Econ Paddle

An open stretch of water. There were a few.


Upper Econ Paddle

Another sequence- Mike negotiates a log jam. Kind of gross…


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle

He’s looking smug because he got through it without any help from us (other than our cheering).


Upper Econ Paddle

This redbelly smacked a spinnerbait.


Upper Econ Paddle

The cypress trees, and there were many, were magnificent.


Upper Econ Paddle

Bromeliads. And spiders.


Upper Econ Paddle

Scenes like this unfolded, one after another.


Upper Econ Paddle

Looks like another obstacle!


Upper Econ Paddle


Upper Econ Paddle

She makes it over.


Upper Econ Paddle

Mike got this monster on a spinnerbait.


Upper Econ Paddle

If you don’t photograph it, did it really happen?


Upper Econ Paddle

Tammy has just gone for an unexpected, unplanned swim.


Upper Econ Paddle

A short break. We did not take many.


Upper Econ Paddle

At the take-out. Trip complete!

And those are the photos from our Upper Econ Paddle!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2015. All rights are reserved.

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