Proposed FWC Seatrout Rule Changes a Terrible Idea

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission wants to change the seatrout rules, making trout more available to commercial fishermen and increasing the bag limit for recreational anglers. Are they kidding?

An excerpt from an email sent to Stuart Patterson from the Commission:
“The Commission considers the spotted seatrout population in Florida a success story. Over the past twenty years, the regulations in place helped spotted seatrout rebuild from low population levels to abundant and healthy levels. The most recent spotted seatrout stock assessment showed that the stocks are exceeding the Commission’s seatrout management goal. Because of this, the Commission is looking into relaxing both commercial and recreational regulations in order to increase fishing opportunities for fishers in Florida.”

A few comments on this-
-could they please define “abundant and healthy”?
-the Commission’s management goal must be really low.
-how does fewer fish in the water equate to increased fishing opportunities?

I’d like to know where the commission is doing these studies. I certainly don’t see abundant, and I’m out all the time. If you want to see abundant, try visiting Louisiana or Texas. Here in Florida they’re abundant all right- abundant eight inch fish.

Another excerpt-
“One aspect considered is that commercial landings of spotted seatrout in Florida are very small relative to the recreational landings. For example, in 2009, the commercial harvest made up only 2% of the entire spotted seatrout harvest in Florida.”

I would also like to know how the Commission makes this determination. Just who is counting the catch of the fishermen? What makes the Commission think their numbers are accurate?

Even if we grant that the data is accurate, what difference does it make if the commercial catch is only 2 percent of the total landings? If there aren’t enough fish in the water now, taking more out can hardly be expected to improve the fishing.

The proposed regulations will be discussed in a final public hearing at the November Commission meeting. You can see more details about the spotted seatrout recommendations that will be discussed as they are added to the meeting website:,-2011/.
I hope to see you there.

I think the bag limit ought to be reduced to three and the size limit increased to an 18″ to 22″ slot.

Let the commissioners know what you think of their idea as soon as you can- the meeting is next week!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2011. All rights are reserved.



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