Goodnews River Lodge, Alaska Fishing Report

Grand Slam Weeks

What a big deal fishermen make of the Grand Slam! Different Slams exist wherever one fishes. Here at Goodnews we have the Pacific salmon Grand Slam, difficult to do on most rivers, but very doable here- if you’re here the proper weeks. Last week and this week are the proper weeks.
What is a Pacific salmon Grand Slam? Taking all five species of Pacific salmon- king, pink, chum, sockeye, and silver- in the same day. Some folks use spinning tackle, others use fly. The Goodnews River offers the erudite angler one of the planet’s best chances to accomplish this rare feat- and, on all bright, sea-lice laden fish.

Several folks have gotten slams on the past ten days or so, some multiple times, including Michael Blough, Linda Martuch, Russell Gretkierewicz, and several others. Congratulations are in order to all the anglers who accomplished this feat.

The other big news here- the silver salmon are coming in. The fishing is still spotty, and searching must still be done. We’re picking up one fish here, four fish there, no fish at all in some spots. Yesterday’s hot spot might be dead today. But the fish are here, and fifteen fish days have already been logged.

silver salmon

Duffy Gretkierewicz got the first silver salmon that came into my boat this season.

Silvers are awesome fish- beautiful, aggressive, tasty. Averaging ten to twelve pounds, they put up an amazing battle, usually jumping several times. They willingly strike surface lures, a plus in anyone’s book! We catch them on a variety of flies, from weighted to floating, as well as Mepps and other spinners, Pixie and other spoons, jigs, and small surface plugs such as Storm’s Chug Bug. They are one of the main attractions of the Goodnews River, and will be runninguntil camp closes in September.

Dolly fishing is still hot. Chum, pink, sockeye, and king salmon are all spawning. Dollies will be right in with the spawning salmon, as well as on shallow gravel flats immediately downstream of them.

dolly varden

Ron Daly skated up this nice Dolly with a Gurgler.

dolly varden

Linda Martuch gurgled her way to this nice Dolly.

Rainbow trout fishing likewise is hot. They will also be in with spawning salmon. Apparently Dollies and rainbows enjoy eating salmon eggs! Flies that imitate eggs, or plastic beads for the less-than-purist, work well for these fish.

rainbow trout

Nick Colantonio took this beautiful rainbow trout from a bunch of spawning chum salmon. A big, black streamer did the trick. Linda Martuch holds the fish.

Dead chum salmon are beginning to litter the river. Flesh flies will also take fish, both trout and Dollies. Flesh flies imitate pieces of decaying salmon flesh, a delicacy for both trout and Dolly varden.

We had a spectacular, sunshiny day yesterday and several of us hiked up Lookout Mountain after dinner. I love it up there, it’s just beautiful.

It was a lovely evening for a short hike.

Fish story of the week- Duffy and Russell Gretkierewicz were fishing with me. I was on the oars, letting the boat drift with the current as they cast Pixies, searching for silver salmon. I saw my spinning outfit land in the river , and suddenly SPLASH!!! Russell is in the river up to his wader tops retrieving it. He had cast the outfit right out of his hand, and bravely jumped off the boat to recover it. We recovered Russell, and neither he, nor the spinning outfit, were any worse for the experience.

And that is this week’s Goodnews River Lodge, Alaska Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- go fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2012. All rights are reserved.


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