Tiki Bars, from Kate’s Real Foods

One of the good things about writing a blog and writing for magazines is that people and businesses sometimes send you stuff to try. Unfortunately a lot of the stuff that I get is of little or no practical value to me, though- sad.

But, yesterday a priority mail box came. In it were two Tiki Bars from Kate’s Real Food.

Tiki Bar

Here’s a photo of the Tiki Bar so you know what to look for!

Most of the granola bar products out there are not very good. Handy, yes. Satisfying, somewhat. Tasty, not usually. Susan and I each opened up one of the Tiki Bars. Pleasantly surprising, these bars! Quite delicious!

I went straight to the ingredients label on the package. Amazing! Sugar was not the first ingredient. “Organic coconut, organic honey, organic mango, organic almond butter, rice nuggets, organic raw cashews, sea salt, organic lemon extract.” Good stuff, all of it.

The only downside I see to this otherwise wonderful and delicious product is the whopping 19 grams of fat contained in each 62 gram bar. It’s great if you’re hiking, biking, or paddling, but you shouldn’t be a couch potato munching on these things unless you want to look like the Michelin Man.

The Tiki Bar still gets a double thumbs up from this reporter.

Tiki Bars from Kate’s Real Foods sell for $2.79 each, and are available from Kate’s website. Bon appetit!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog copyright John Kumiski 2012. All rights are reserved.



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