A One Striper Report

A One Striper Report

Thanks for reading this one striper report. Susan and I spent the week in Winthrop, with a rocky beach literally a minute’s walk away. I spent at least a little time every day on that beach with a spin rod in hand.

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We kicked the week off with a walk around Deer Island, the site of a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant (the second largest in the country) that handles the poop from Boston and 43 other communities. Are you listening, Florida? Boston Harbor has clean, fish-filled waters because of this plant. Sure wish we had one or more on the Indian River Lagoon.







There’s a hill in Winthrop, the top of which has a water tower. Having caught stripers from the beach below this tower in the past, that’s where I went looking for fish. The only one I saw caught was by a guy who was wearing a wet suit, way out in the water, past where I could cast to, who was casting even farther out. Then, Friday afternoon, I got one, a modest specimen, on a DOA Cal jig. I haven’t seen any bait, any diving birds, and certainly no breaking fish.



There are oystercatchers nesting there, though. The bird with the number 25 tag has nested here for the past ten years. A woman who works for Mass. Audubon told me the oldest one recorded in the state lived 28 years. The are such cool birds…


Scott Deveau and I went to Plum Island and tried fishing there, Scott with a spin rod, me with fly gear. I hooked, and lost, a large American shad, the only bite we got. We talked to a guy with a Hobie kayak who had just come in. He said they were swimming all around him, but he only got one. But one is so many more than none!

We saw the full moon rise one evening, quite spectacular.

We went to see the Winthrop fireworks on a foggy Fourth of July night. They started over an hour late, but we stayed and watched.




That’s the one striper report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.