Boreas Makes an Appearance

Boreas Makes an Appearance

In ancient Greece, Boreas was the god of winter winds. Yeah! He showed up this week! Wind speeds ranged from 15 to 30 miles an hour, steadily, all week. No, I did not fish. The bad news is, it looks the same for next week, too. Merry Christmas!

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Tuesday I had a doctor’s appointment. When I got there, I got a, “We’re very sorry, Mr. Kumiski, but the doctor isn’t here today. They were supposed to call you…” No one called me. If I hadn’t shown up, I would have gotten an invoice. Since the doc didn’t show up, I sent them one.

When they don’t pay (and they won’t), I will write it off on my taxes as an uncollectable debt. This is the same doctor that, when I was sick and called repeatedly, took four months to return the call. Then I got billed $150 for a ten-minute telephone conversation. Power to the patients!


Susan and I have been pretty happy with the camper setup in my Toyota Sienna, but we found a better design, which you can see below-

I spent part of a couple days this week disassembling the old camper build, in preparation of assembling a new one. The new bed will be a few inches narrower than the old one, but we think overall this build will make better use of the space we have in there.


I tied a few flies, and did some writing, some of which was about tying flies!


I took a walk on the Florida Trail, but did not take any pictures. But I did wrap and ship presents and even a (very) few Christmas cards! Pretty laid-back week, all-in-all.

That’s the Boreas Makes an Appearance Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, ©John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.