Bamboozled by Bass Fishing Report

Bamboozled by Bass Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Bamboozled by Bass Fishing Report. Expectations- one thing you should never bring on a fishing trip.

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Sunday I went to Buck Lake. I brought no expectations there, haven’t ever since the FWC went on their wild herbicide spraying spree and ruined the fishing there. But I still feel compelled to check it once or twice a year to see if it’s recovered at all. It has not. I got three dink bass and what turned out to be the fish of the week for me, a bowfin of three pounds or so. It declined to be photographed, but I have a photo of my feeble attempt. At least the weather was awesome.

Attempting to corral a mudfish. Didn’t happen.

Monday morning I drove to Ocala National Forest, which is where I carried my expectations. Having visited twice before and done well, the assumption was that history would repeat itself. Caleb Vogl came up Tuesday to fish with me. Wednesday he caught the fish of the trip, a two-and-a-half-pound largemouth. He was happy!

Caleb on Alexander Springs Run.

In three days of fishing, I got two dink bass on fly and a number of other dink bass on soft plastics. To no one’s surprise, my expectations were not met. You would think after a lifetime of fishing, I would know better.

Caleb again, with the fish of the trip, 2.5 pounds on his scale.

The coolest thing that happened? A dragonfly naiad climbed onto my boat to emerge. I photographed the beast swelling its wings next to the exuvium. It sat there until it could fly; then, ZOOM! Off it went. I had always wanted to see that.

A freshly molted dragonfly, with the discarded exuvium. Sorry about the background, but my kayak is yellow.

The trip was certainly enjoyable. The weather was wonderful, the lakes gorgeous. Got to see some stars! And Caleb is pretty entertaining! Not discouraged, I’m already planning another trip there.

And that, folks, is the Bamboozled by Bass fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go camping! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Econlockhatchee River Fishing Report

Econlockhatchee River Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Econlockhatchee River fishing report.

All of us have been affected by the virus. I’m in a high-risk group- if I get it, it will probably kill me. In spite of that I chafe at staying home so much. The weather is nice- I should be outside! I got out twice this week.

Monday I launched my kayak at Snow Hill Road, planning on doing an out-and-back. The river was quite low and strangely quiet, very few wading birds, no alligators (?!?!). It took me an hour to get my first bite, a spotted gar. It was followed by a dinker bass. I photographed the first several fish I caught, all on fly, which I share here.

Spotted gar, on a popper.


It was tiny, but it was a bass!


This one got away.






stumpknocker makes a sunfish slam.


And another dink bass for good measure.

It turns out the only alligator I saw was a dead one, decomposing in the middle of the river.

When I got back to Snow Hill Road I thought I had my days mixed up. There were about 20 cars there, folks out enjoying the day.

Wednesday I used a bicycle to access the upper river. The river, still low and still quiet, yielded about fifteen bass and a single stumpknocker. I started out using Culprit worms but after losing three in a row to gar I switched to the RipTide Sardine, which worked well.

The river is small here- the water hardly moved.


First of many bass- it wasn’t a dink!


The floodplain is lovely.


Another healthy fish!


And the one gator I saw this week.

I saw one alligator, one black snake, one owl, several feral hogs, no people. It was a beautiful day!

The best fishermen I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead they strive to make new and interesting mistakes and to remember what they learned from them.” -John Gierach

Life is great and I love my work!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide
Purchase Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2020. All rights are reserved.