One Day Fishing Report

One Day Fishing Report

Thanks for reading my One Day Fishing Report. There was that Thanksgiving thing you may have heard about, and with the exception of Monday, the weather was shaky the rest of the week.

Ordinarily at this point you’d read, “Subscribers without photos- go to, please.” I don’t that link works right now. Feel free to try. If it doesn’t work, there will be no recourse until I straighten out the website.

The website! I believe I saved all the content on the old one that I wanted to. I believe moved to the new host. The domain isn’t pointed that way yet. If I have time on Saturday, I hope to work on it. If not, it will be at least a couple weeks.

Either way, most likely there will not be a post next week.

OK, Fishing!

Wednesday Scott Radloff and I took the Bang-o-Craft out from Haulover Canal. Wanted Beacon 42, but the bridge was closed. We headed east, then north. The water was fairly murky. No sight fishing happened, but it was cloudy.

Scott, tossing a small jig, hit a solid fish on his first cast. Unfortunately, it came unglued. I got a juvie redfish, then an eight-inch snapper, then had a suicidal seatrout, a fairly large one, attack my tail-amputated-by-a-puffer plastic shad right next to the boat. Usually, panic ensues and the strike is missed. Somehow I caught and released this beast. It was probably pushing four pounds, quite a nice one.

We went to change spots, and the motor decided it didn’t want to work anymore. With minor difficulty, we returned to the boat ramp and loaded the boat, just after noon. We’d gotten three hours in.

I shoot photos of clever signs and bumper stickers I see. Below, please enjoy a few of them.























That’s the One Day Fishing Report. My next report, two weeks hence, should have some solid fishing and photo action. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.