North Brevard County Fish Report

North Brevard County Fish Report

Thanks for reading this North Brevard County Fish Report. Only two days this week were spent fishing, but I did get my car’s AC fixed, had an MRI and blood work done, saw a dentist and a chiropractor, and enjoyed other, similar fun activities.

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Tuesday saw me and my kayak (and no camera) at Mosquito Lagoon on a fabulous morning. Since no bites were forthcoming (except for the puffers, who were biting much too well), I paddled across the ICW to Tiger Shoal. There the water was clean and crisp, with plentiful grass, and lots of bait. There were breaking fish! I got several trout and big ladyfish on both spin and fly before the breeze came up and ended it, at which time I picked a lee shoreline to explore. I saw a few reds, had shots at none. The water was deep, with the gauge over 1.5′.

Playalinda sunrise.


Sargassum on the beach.

Thursday morning Tom Van Horn picked me up, then drove to Playalinda, where we met Rodney Smith, Earl Gillespie, and Warren Wnek. There was sargassum, but reasonable amounts, not like I’d read about. Between the five of us we got a small jack and two hardheads, not exactly scintillating fishing.

We weren’t the only ones not catching fish.

Off the beach a ways, pelicans were diving on menhaden, lots of them. We’d see a blow-up in the bait now and again. I wished I had a boat…


As it was I had to settle for a beautiful morning on a beautiful beach with my aging but beautiful friends. Easily enough done! Thanks, boys!

That’s the North Brevard County Fish Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.