The Fishing Was Mostly Blown Out Report

The Fishing Was Mostly Blown Out Report

Thanks for reading this Fishing Was Mostly Blown Out report. Yes, we had a small craft advisory every day but Monday, the day I had to go to the doctor. Tough fishing when it’s blowing 15-20 every day.


evening I went to a retention pond, maybe a new favorite? I was throwing the mouse fly and got three very aggressive, and fat, bluegills. I also got three bass, the biggest of which was maybe a pound. So we’re not talking big fish, but it’s close to home, the water looks decent, and I get bites. Not gonna complain about that! Need to dig out the three-weight.


found me first go to Bitter’s to buy some stickbaits, then shore fishing at the pond in Christmas, using a light spin rod with one of my new lures. I got three bass, all small, one ridiculously so. I stopped at Tosohatchee. The biologists put 30 unmarked fish attractors in Lake Charley last week. They told me, “Go find ’em.” A future project for me, maybe.


I took a walk with a camera at Orlando Wetlands Park. There were lots of wildflowers.




Found a spot where the bass were partying, including an easily four-pound fish. Fishing is not allowed at Orlando Wetlands Park.


I took some advice I got from Duane De Freese about 20 (maybe 30?) years ago and went for a walk with my camera at the Enchanted Forest in Titusville. It’s nice, perhaps not quite enchanted, but nice. Certainly beats apartment complexes and strip malls.

Dragonfly, order Odonata.




Zebra butterfly (genus Heliconius) feeding on Texas sage.


Coral bean.


Bastard indigo-bush.

Afterwards, I went to the Fox Lake Sanctuary. I need to launch the Bang-O-Craft there at the lake and do some exploring…


This is the type of bluegills I was catching.

I had errands to run, and cooking to do. In between I did something I have not done in a long time. I got the three-weight out and went bluegill fishing. It was fun! I got ten or so in a couple hours, with that many missed strikes, too. And it can still be done under a small craft advisory!

A bonus bass, the size of all my bass this week!

Monday next I get cataract surgery on the left eye, which means I’m pretty laid up all week while it heals. Since I’ll have little to report, probably no report next week!

That’s the Fishing Was Mostly Blown Out report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2022. All rights are reserved.

Not Much Going On Report

Not Much Going On Report

Hi everyone, thanks for reading the not much going on report. The weather this week was, shall we say, marginal at best. The fishing lately has been such that it’s certainly not worth the risk of getting hit by lightning, of which there was plenty. That and wind. The fishing isn’t worth the cost of the gas it takes to get there, either. So, I only got out twice, and that quite locally.

A couple weeks ago I shared the link of my newest book, 13 Summers in Alaska. I got a nice review-

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Took me back to AK, both the good times and bad. You did a great job of assembling a set of memories that tell the story of a summer in Alaska.” -Bill Embacher

And, I have a newer new book! This one is called Living the Van Life and it, too, is available through Amazon…

The interior is all in living color, a first for me. Please, check it out!

The Fishing!

In Oviedo there’s a park called Long Lake Park. In the park there’s a large retention pond. The public can’t access Long Lake proper, because the entire shoreline is privately owned. So, anyone who wants to fish there has to fish the retention pond in the park.

Tired of looking at the screen of my computer, I went to LLP one afternoon this week. When I got there, I was the only one fishing. I caught a bass on my friend the plastic shad, and the fish was pushing two pounds. Surprised me! More people came, though. When I left (after an hour and a half) there were six other people fishing there. Poor fish. Poor fishermen.

Nearby is a natural pond called Round Lake. The shoreline is public (Round Lake Park) but overgrown. I used my spiffy new kayak cart to drag my boat to the water’s edge, then I hopped in and went fishing for a couple hours. The water is clean (unlike the retention pond) and seems quite deep. Perhaps it’s an old sinkhole?

Anyway, I worked it hard with the shad and plastic worms, weighted to get them down. In two hours I had one bite on a red shad worm, a whopping seven-inch bass. Then the thunder started and I got out of there.

I tied up a few of these…

That was my fishing this week. I did tie up a few golden shiner flies for an upcoming trip, and did some writing for profit. And surfed the ‘net, a major time sink. And visited Bitter’s Bait and Tackle, whose inventory is mind-boggling!

That’s the Not Much Going On report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2022. All rights are reserved.