Spread the Spore!

Spread the Spore!

When the Spread the Spore mushroom grow kit from northspore.com arrived, I let it sit. Didn’t quite know what to do with it. After a few days me sister said to me, “The stuff in that kit is alive. You really need to get it started.”

The next day I read the instructions and watched the video. Pretty simple, John! Remove the perforated paperboard from the front of the box, cut an “X” in the plastic, spray it with water (sprayer supplied), and let it sit on the counter near the sink. OK, I can do that.

Five days after I started spritzing, I had this!

In only a few days, baby mushrooms appeared! Like magic! I kept spritzing it twice a day, and five days after I cut the plastic, I was harvesting the pink oyster mushrooms.

After harvesting your mushrooms look like this.


I separated them all before cooking.


After cooking a few minutes…

Following the recipe included with the kit, I sautéed the ‘shrooms, then used them to make one of the better omelets I’ve ever had. Eaten alone, the mushrooms were outstanding!

Mmmm, mushroom omelet!

The directions say the kit may produce several rounds of mushrooms. After harvesting the mushrooms, I put the box back on the counter and spritzed it again. Hopefully there will be more in a few more days!

Susan grooves on the mushrooms!

The mushroom grow kit was easy, fun, and delicious. Get more information at www.northspore.com.

Like northspore says, spread the spore!


John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide

Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at http://www.spottedtail.com/fishing-florida-by-paddle/

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2021. All rights are reserved.

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