Short Mosquito Lagoon Report

Short Mosquito Lagoon Report

Thanks for reading this short Mosquito Lagoon report.

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Fifty-two degrees Monday morning when I hopped in the chariot, Bang-O-Craft in tow. Wanted to try the east side of the lagoon. Once I got to the ramp, that idea was trashed. Three- and four-foot waves meant crossing was a stupid idea.

I stayed on the west side, found what lees were there. Saw some snook, saw some reds. Had one good shot at a red with the fly while wading (with my waders on). I thought it took the fly. I was mistaken. Shot blown. Ran over what fish there were all day. Late in the afternoon, had two shots on spin, from the boat, and converted both. Eureka!

First fish. Note the water clarity.


Soft plastic shad works again!


The second fish was larger, but I didn’t photograph it.

Tried it again Tuesday. Water on the east side was nasty, and water everywhere is high (gauge at 1.6 feet). By now the wind had come up, making that crossing dangerous again, but now I had no choice. Fished the west side, had three shots, converted none. Did get a couple pinfish on fly, though.

Discovered a wet leg when I took off the waders. Where’s the Aquaseal?

That’s the short Mosquito Lagoon report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a road trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

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