Christmas Report from Me to You

Christmas Report from Me to You

Thank you for reading this Christmas Report. I trust and hope everyone is having a lovely and safe Christmas.

Blog post this week- Baggage- Confessions of a Globe-Trotting Hypochondriac, by Jeremy Leon Hance – A Review

This is an awesome book with my highest recommendation.

Monday– cold and windy, I stayed home. It was the solstice, a day I usually try to get out, too. In the evening we went out to see the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. It was cloudy.

My solstice fish.

Tuesday– went fishing by paddle at Mosquito Lagoon. Had shots at three fish, got one. The other two spooked off the slider. Then I got this from Dave Caprera-

“After three weeks of futile searching, I finally caught one. I also missed approximately 29 others. It was one of the best days I have ever had on the lagoon.

“It was ‘cold’ (48 degrees) and breezy (8-10) when I ventured out at 9am. I first stepped outside with shorts and a t-shirt, returned for a sweatshirt, went outside and returned again for a windbreaker. I wore them both all day.

“Two things were immediately apparent. The water was down about a foot from what it had been. Water level in the lagoon is not just tides but wind patterns. It had been unusually high and I would say it is back to normal. Because of the cold spell this past week, the water was so clear that you could see through the ice all the way to the bottom. The sky started out clear blue with some cirrus clouds as the morning progressed.

“I did the Cedar Island loop ending in the Roach Motel. I had been there twice previously with little success. Today there were fish everywhere. 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 8’s (What’s the next number in the series? What is the series called?) So, it raises an imponderable question, why?
1. They were always there. I just couldn’t see them in high dirty water.
2. The change in water level, clarity and temperature caused the fish to change location.
3. Christmas is coming and the fish wanted to be good little boys and girls so Santa will bring them presents.

“Clear visibility is a blessing and a curse. Fish were seeing me from 50 feet away. They wouldn’t blow out. They just would not eat. I had a number of follows and chases, I even saw one open its mouth, a couple of tugs, but trouble getting a hook set (size 4, laser sharpened.) I started with a Borski slider, went to a Kwan bunny, but caught my fish on a Chico’s snapping shrimp. My belief has been that pattern doesn’t matter much, it is about the presentation, but the snapping shrimp has a much smaller profile so it may have been about the size.

“The fish was 21 inches and among the smaller fish I saw.

“Happy holidays. Stay safe.” Amen to that. And David, thank you for writing most of my blog. 🙂

Two of the dozens of spoonbills we saw.

Wednesday– Took my bride to MINWR to see the wildlife along Black Point Drive. Same as last week- freaking spectacular! Saw four redfish in the ponds with the birds. They were near the “NO FISHING” signs.

A pair of reds, pushing.

Thursday– finished getting my little trolling motor ready for the Bang-O-Craft. Time to take her for a spin. I read Christmas eve that Leslie West had passed. Mississippi Queen! Life goes on for the rest of us.

Our Christmas cactus bloomed just in time!


Thank you for reading this Christmas Report blog!

Life is great and I love life!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! or walk on a trail!

John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide

Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2020. All rights are reserved.

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