Bears Everywhere Alagnak River Fishing Report

Bears Everywhere Alagnak River Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Bears Everywhere Alagnak River Fishing Report.

The river is as low as has been seen in several years. While there’s rain falling now, it will take a lot of water to raise the river to “normal” levels.

Here at Katmai Lodge on the Alagnak River we live in bear country. We’re talking Alaska brown bears- large, powerful animals, wild and unpredictable. It’s thrilling seeing them. We see five or six every day. Respect the bear if you want to stay out of trouble. Trouble may find you anyway.

The bear swims out, possibly to join me.

I went to a mid-river gravel bar today to clean fish. All alone, I wanted a place that a bear couldn’t just pop out of the bushes and surprise me. It turns out the gravel bar was a perfect location.

The bear gains shallow water and starts to run- towards me!

In the middle of my task I looked up to see a bear swimming towards me. “Hey bear!” I shouted, to let him know I was there. Surprisingly, he changed course, swimming across the river downstream of me.

This was as close as he got.

Apparently, when he hit the far bank he came back up the river through the brush, reappearing on the shore uncomfortably close to me. He climbed in the water and started swimming my way.

I started yelling at him again, and prepared to cede my location. It was a small brown bear, but he still had 300 pounds on me! To my surprise he again changed course, stopping on a nearby gravel pan. He eventually swam to the far shore again, and I finished my fish cleaning. So no trouble today.

The sockeyes are for all practical purposes done. May they have a strong and successful spawn.

The chums are here in strength. We had our limit this morning by 1000 AM, swinging cerise streamers. Big, strong, and aggressive, I love the chums!!

A young Jack Walker with a chum salmon.

Kings are still being caught. The run was not strong, but if you persevere you can get them by casting Vibrax in soft water. Green has been the best color.

Nice kings like this one are still being caught.

The first silvers of the season have been caught this week. I have not seen one, but I have not looked for them yet. Silver fishing is my favorite as far as salmon are concerned. I look forward to doing some wogging!

No one has been trout fishing this week, so I have no report. I suspect beading will be in full swing during the coming week.

That’s this week’s Bears Everywhere Alagnak River Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2019. All rights are reserved.

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