Another Tough Week Fishing Report

Another Tough Week Fishing Report

Thank you for reading the Another Tough Week Fishing Report. Only two days were spent fishing, because fishing is always more enjoyable when the fish participate, and they didn’t wanna play much this week.

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A rumor came my way, something about guides posting on Facebook pictures of fish caught in Mosquito Lagoon. To which my response was, if you believe social media, most guides never have a bad day. But Monday, the weather looked not terrible, so with a late start, I took the Bang-O-Craft out for some scouting.

Found some clean water, breathtakingly clean. Found some dirty water, not very far from the clean water. Saw quite a few boats, more boats than fish, probably. Did not get a shot at a fish all day. But at the last spot, blind-casting with the spin rod and a soft plastic shad, I got a solid thump, which turned out to be a fine seatrout, 25 inches or so, the only bite in six hours. I considered trying to get a photo, but released it without removing it from the water. That fish is too valuable to risk for a photo. I’ll use a file photo!

File photo of a seatrout.

Thursday Caleb Vogl joined me for some kayak fishing on the Indian River Lagoon. Although we got a few small trout, we saw very little. After almost three hours, we pulled the boats and tried Mosquito Lagoon. Didn’t see a whole lot more there, but at least the water was cleaner. I hooked a snook (caught him) and a redfish (lost him) on  an olive slider fly. Caleb got a snook, a solid trout, and a couple snapper on spin tackle. We ended up putting in nine hours, paddling literally miles. Mucho trabajo, poco dinero…

File photo of a snook.

Both days were dee-lightful, weather-wise. But it’s a good thing I wasn’t looking for groceries.

And that, folks, is the Another Tough Week fishing report. It will be better next week! Because hope springs eternal in the heart of a fisherman! Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go hiking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

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