Food Tyrants- A Review

food tyrants


Food Tyrants- A Review

Food Tyrants- Fight for Your Right to Healthy Food in a Toxic World, by Nicoles Faires, 242 pages, hardcover, Skyhorse Publishing, $24.95.

Human beings have several very basic needs. Clean air. Clean water. Healthy food. Love.

Food Tyrants only discusses food. Most of us trust corporate America to supply our food. In Food Tyrants author Nicole Faires makes a compelling argument that trusting Monsanto, other large food corporations, and the USDA is a really bad idea.

Monsanto is the company that brought us Agent Orange, Round-Up, and genetically modified seeds. Their goal is nothing less than complete control of the world’s food supply. They are scarily close to attaining that goal.

Most of the meat in your grocery store is produced by what Faires calls factory farms. Let’s just say that neither humane treatment nor hygiene are high priorities in these establishments. Read the book.

Most eggs sold in the United States are produced by hens in small cages. These eggs cause between 650,000 ands 3.8 million cases of Salmonella poisoning every year. Free-range egg-producing chickens cut salmonella down by 98 percent.

The USDA does everything it can to help large food corporations. “Their goal seems to be to protect the big farms from too much fallout when they sell contaminated food.” Less than one percent of cattle in the United States are tested for mad cow disease every year.

But the USDA has the manpower to send undercover agents out to harass and arrest farmers who are producing wholesome, locally grown, non-corporate foods.

Think about all the unhealthy people you know. Obesity, allergies, cancer- all of these illnesses and more are linked to the types and quality of the foods we eat.

OK, so there may be problems with our access to healthy food. What do we do about it? Faires advocates buying locally produced foods, starting local farms and farming cooperatives, urban neighborhood farms, backyard vegetable plots, etc. Take control of your access to healthy food as best you can, by whatever means necessary! As an example Faires uses the Victory Gardens that were in such widespread use during World War 2.

Food Tyrants offers step-by-step solutions to the problem of access to healthy food that anyone can follow. The book is very well written, with excellent documentation of everything she states (it has a 29 page bibliography) and an index.

Everybody who eats needs to read Food Tyrants, the most important book I’ve read in at least five years. I recommend it without reservation.

Visit Nicole Faires website at this link…

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


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