Flyrodding Florida Salt Price: $29.95
FLYRODDING FLORIDA SALT- How and Where to Catch Saltwater Fish on Flies
in the Sunshine State
, completely revised and updated, by Capt. John Kumiski

Reviews of Florida Salt...

Capt. Tommy Thompson
(352) 284-1763

A Review of:

Flyrodding Florida Salt

            By:  Capt. John Kumiski

            Argonaut Publishing Company, 2005

ISBN 0-9635118-5-8 ($29.95)

John Kumiski’s 1995 edition of Flyrodding Florida Salt was an immediate success, not only with local anglers, but with visitors to Florida as well.  The 2005 edition, subtitled ‘How and Where to Catch Fish on Flies in the Sunshine State', takes the original book’s basic outline and updates lots of information, such as currently active guides, new tackle  and techniques.

The book is divided into three major sections.  The first, dealing with tackle, techniques and Florida fish species is a great primer for those not at home in Florida waters.  Aside from discussions of rods and reels, John does a nice job of informing the reader about guides, fishing techniques and basic knots.  For example, chapter 3, The Fishes, is a thorough discussion of species, their fly rod potential, the best flies to use and the best locations to fish. 

Part Two of the book, Where to Go, is the reason I keep the book in the glove box of my truck.  It’s 128 pages of very nicely researched information about all the major fly-fishing areas in the state.  A typical subchapter, based on a specific locale, covers specific information such as an overview of the place, opportunities for the do-it-yourself fly fisher, flies and techniques, access to the fishing, fly shops, fly fishing guides, boat rentals, information for wade fishing enthusiasts, State Parks and accommodations.  An active kayak and fly-fishing guide, John also goes into detail, when appropriate, about hand-powered boats and their applications.  

The final part of the book is Fly Selection for Florida Salt, and will be of value to the angler who’s not fished saltwater in Florida.  A list of John’s top ten flies will help any angler complete his tackle kit, and there’s also a good, illustrated section on fly tying techniques.

John finishes his book with a few words about the importance of the CCA (We all should belong!!!) and of taking young people fishing. I think this is a particularly nice gesture by the author; one that’s overlooked by lots of fishing ‘experts’ who just use their books to glorify themselves and their skills. This author is an excellent fisherman and guide, willing to share his knowledge, as well as support the environment and the next generation of anglers.

This is a book for anglers at all skill levels.  Fishermen and women new to fly fishing will enjoy the basic information and directions, and seasoned veterans will enjoy John’s anecdotal approach to the sport, as well as the more specific information given by professional guides in many locations in the state. 

If AAA were to print a guide to fly fishing in Florida, Kumiski’s book would be it!


Anna Maria Island Sun

Vol. 5 No. 37 - June 1, 2005

Flyrodding Florida Salt

 By Rusty Chinnis

There are a lot of saltwater fly fishers in Florida and even more who travel here regularly to enjoy the rewards of over 2,000 miles of diverse shore line. The myriad bays, creeks, rivers, keys and islands are a dream for anglers in the know, but can be a nightmare for anglers who lack the basic information to create a memorable fly fishing adventure.

Captain John Kumiski, a veteran guide, writer and photographer, first published "Fly Rodding Florida Salt" in 1995. His extensive knowledge of fly fishing techniques, flies, guides, areas to explore and fish were honed from guiding his waters in the Indian River Lagoon, as well as traveling with his two sons and documenting destinations for his many magazine articles. While that book was highly praised by anglers and colleagues alike, it pales in comparison to his updated and completely revised version. In Kumiski’s own words, the new publication teaches anglers "how and where to catch fish on flies in the Sunshine State."

As a 26 year veteran of Florida’s fishing scene, I can truly say that this book is the most exhaustive and complete treatise on fly fishing Florida’s salt waters that I’ve had the pleasure to review. This is a terrific resource for the first time angler as well as the seasoned pro. While you might not need a review of the tackle available to the modern fly angler, you’ll definitely benefit from the varied accounts of an area’s local guides, accommodations and access points for fishing.

The book is laid out in a how to, where to and with what (flies) format that might seem deceptively simple at first. Read carefully, for there is a wealth of information in each section. Section one, “How To,” covers tackle, lines, leader systems, wading, boats, guides, angling techniques and an introduction to Florida’s saltwater fishes. This is the place to start, and neophyte anglers should pay close attention to what is, after all, the foundation of successful fly fishing. The chapter concludes with a discussion of hazards and safety, which should not be overlooked.

I found the section on angling techniques to be particularly informative and suggest that it be read with attention and then re-read. It contains many gems of wisdom gleaned from years of observation on the water.

Section Two, "Where To," covers Florida's coastline from Amelia Island, around the Keys, to Pensacola. Here you’ll find the information you need to get started in any particular area of the state. While the book misses a few of the best guides and accommodations in areas I’m familiar with, it does get you started with a suggestion of fly shops, access points for waders and paddlers, and opportunities for Do-it-Yourself fly fishers.

Section Three, "Flies for Florida Salt" takes an in-depth look at the business end of your tackle system. Kumiski begins with sage advice when he councils readers to use the flies they have confidence in. That said, he reviews some of the best flies available for pursuing saltwater gamefish, even venturing to name the "top ten."

The book ends with an appropriate section entitled "Last Word" in which the author implores readers to take an active role in preserving the resources for this and future generations. Kumiski also asks fellow fly fishers to share their good fortune and experiences with kids, our best and only hope for the future.

"Flyrodding Florida Salt," deserves a place on every serious fly angler’s bookshelf. I predict that it’s one of those publications that won’t gather dust, only numerous "dog ears." To purchase a copy contact Kumiski at (407) 977-5207, or email him at


I just finished your book last night and it really helped me confirm some things I have seen out there in the NMZ but never understood.  I have been using 100% bend back flies on a #1 or #2 hook.  I like the red / brown if only because that's the only fly I've caught them on.  I started thinking the other day that black should be good.  Thanks for confirming that.  I need to add some clouser minnows to the collection.  I've always thought it would be good to get the fly down.  In fact, I started using Rio's "Intermediate" Bonefish line for that reason.  I miss the supple casting of the floating line.  With weighted flies, I could start using that again.

Thanks for writing the book.

Regards,   Tony Scott


Hi John,
My wife bought your book for me & I've spent the last couple of days curled up reading it rather than fighting the weather. I really like your writing style and have thoroughly enjoyed the book & gained a lot of insight.

Thanks again, Dick Beal





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